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Happy Homes in Tacloban City Leyte Island Philippines : News of The Lerion Family from their daughter Dinah
Hi Uncle Tony! How are you? I am here in Bergen, Norway this time as an au pair for a Norwegian family.
Thank you so much for finding a way to check on my family in Tacloban after the typhoon. It took 3 days after the typhoon before i heard from them. It was a terrifying experience especially with my nephews and nieces but God protected all of them. The water went inside the house almost ceiling high. Davis Bart was swept away by the current holding his 3 yr old baby girl but thankfully able to take hold of something that saved both him and his daughter. Darren’s 2 boys were saved by our refrigerator that floated. Bruce placed them there as they were about to get trapped by the water where they were taking refuge. “We were riding Noah’s ark”, as they described it to me the last time i spoke with them. The rest of them were able to climbed up to beams of the ceiling.
Part of the roof flew with the wind and ceiling needs repair. Some window glasses were also broken. The typhoon left nothing dry in our house. Everything was mud soaked. Some could have been saved but there was no water to wash to clean things. The food that was stocked up were all destroyed as well except for the canned goods that left them all hungry.
The children were getting sick and mamma too so i asked them to leave Tacloban for the mean time and transfer to Cebu. I communicated with my Aunts there to help arrange things for me. Trying to leave Tacloban was a big challenged as well since almost all people were all trying to leave the town with very limited means of transportaion available. Papa and Books decided to stay home to guard the house. Mama and Darren’s kids were transported to Cebu first coz they were already sick. The rest of them took 4 days of just roaming around the city with almost nothing to eat and drink just to get a ride out of the town and we didn’t have any communications with them at all. They tried to get out of Tacloban Wednesday and finally rode a navy ship going to Cebu Sunday 
Hearing all their stories was heartbreaking but still seeing and hearing them laugh as they retold their stories is just comforting as 
well knowing God protected them and preserved them in spirit, body and soul.
They are planning to stay in Cebu until new year since electricity is not expected to be restored until them and classes are suspended. Trying to build the house at this point also is not wise yet since prices are high and supplies are limited.
I know you have been praying for us and we are very grateful. God bless you.
All that is within me, bless His Holy Name!