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For Prayer Praise and Thanksgiving. Daily Bread Missions. Isaiah 43 v 19

The Lords blessings continue in India ..  With the Lord’s help we have distributed around 5,000   Discipleship booklets ,many pastors have reported the Lord’s blessing as they taught and preached from the Bible notes.

Discipleship Booklet : translated in    1/ Telugu language 2/ Tamil language 3/Oryia language.4/ Hindi language,5/ Kerala language. 6/ Bengali language. 7/ Kannada language8//Marita language 9/Malaal Assam Language..,    Glory to God.

Pastor Raja distributed  the booklet in Warangal to 500 pastors. He emailed.  A pastor telephoned me that he got a booklet in Warangal conference, he strengthened by booklets and used booklets for a bible college and he kept in that Bible college.   Unexpectedly that college principle read that booklet and telephoned me to distribute in another pastors conference. Glory to God ; Just heard Pastor Raja distributed another 350 Booklets and 5 bicycles to poor pastors. 

Pastor Raja has organised teams leaders to evangelise in street, Villages slum areas and towns

Name team Leader

Number visited

Number saved


Pastor M David Raju

3 towns 4 Villages, 5 Slums. 3 Streets



Pastor M Barbarao

2 Towns, 5 Villages, 4 Slums 4 streets



Pastor P Emanuel

2 towns, 4 villages, 5 slums, 6 streets



Pastor Yesupadam

3 Towns, 5 Villages, 7 slums, 4 streets



Pastor Samuel Prased

2 Towns, 7 villages, 5 Slums




 Glory to God;                            Totals                                                     




Historical village; Pastor Raja wrote;  Regarding Church:  Past years I explained you about “Redeemed Church of Christ” at Historical village for prayer and you prayed for that. We prayed and waited for the Lords will. Unexpectedly Lord has given land.  That cost is £4,000 because the land cost are increased in India. Suneetha ( Pastors Wife)  got her share £4,400 from her fathers property. We bought equal cost land with £4,000 and registered with the name of Daily Bread Missions. God did many miracles in that church by your visits and your prayers as you knew. Pastor Raja wrote; Thank you for the gift for Church building its amazing. Not enough thanks through letters, my thanks are heartfully, Glory to God.

Children; 8 children will be completing their education and college courses in June. Please pray as many have made a surrendered their lives to Christ and have been baptised and are going on with the Lord.  They  are returning to live life for the first time in a Hindu environment. Pastor Nathaniel has already given me the Bio data of 10 more Orphans who will join then home, two each month. We were shocked to read  the histories, with all parents dying before the age of 30

 Pastor Nathaniel with 26 Peduyim Pastors have been engaged in village evangelism; the last 3 months  Gospel meetings in the 31 outlying tribal or slum  villages . We  thank the Lord for 11 converts and many hearts touched.  Glory to God

India; Please pray as arrangements are currently being planned for my return to India DV . Pastor Raja is planning we contact 1,000 or more pastors in Pastors conferences. Many of the pastors have not attended Bible classes and are located in the tribal regions where conditions are rough. From the Word the Lord is giving me I believe the Lord will do great and mighty things. Pastor Nathaniel is arranging meetings in Visakhaptanm,  Sanbalpur and Bargarth  maybe also in “Assam”  while I have invitations to return to return to Bhurbeneshwar in Orrisa,  Pune in Marharashtra and in Hyderabad  and Chennai Tamil Nadu. Long distances and far away places so I pray for the Lord to close doors and open them.,  Revelation 3 v 7 Not forgetting visits to the Orphan homes in Bapatla and Vemulavalaasa Village Visak

                                    Sent with our love and prayers for you and those you love.   

Tony and Sheila